It was IonWays National Executive, Mike Hanley, who originally introduced Dr. Nelson to IonWays and alkaline water. Dr. Nelson practices Integrative and Naturopathic medicine in Palm Desert, CA. He holds a PhD in Pharmacology and a PhD in Biochemistry and Clinical Nutrition. Dr. Nelson has 43 years of experience in applied Pharmacology and Biochemistry and over 15 years experience as a Clinical, Naturopathic, and Homeopathic Physician.
Dr. Nelson understands the importance of hydration to the human body. In fact, he will not treat patients unless they are properly hydrated with IonWays alkaline ionized water. Dr. Nelson has proven that when a person is properly hydrated, he demonstrates a faster response time to treatments.
70% of the human body is water; the function of each and every one of its cells is based on proper hydration. Everything in the environment causes the displacement of water in the human system; this is why Dr. Nelson is a firm advocate of keeping yourself hydrated with IonWays alkaline ionized water. He also promotes prescribed vitamins and mineral supplements for happy and healthy day-to-day living!
Dr. Nelson believes that in 5 years or less, IonWays ionizers will not only be an option, but a necessary component in everyday living.
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