Monday, April 20, 2009

I Have Been Holding Out On You

Dear Friends,

I recently talked with someone who found out what we are
up to and he was really upset that I hadn't shared this with
him sooner.

Well, I figure now is great time to let you know what my
wife have been up to for the last year other then just
having our first beautiful baby boy.

Monika (my lovely wife) and I had been talking about
a business we could do together for some time and
then we stumbled on something amazing.

A very good friend of ours Dr. Charles Richard starting
talking about this amazing new water he had discovered
and just couldn't stop talking about it.

I was never a big water drinker so I didn't pay much
attention to him.

Somehow Charles was able to make a real impression
on Monika and she really wanted to explore the water
for both it's health benefits and also as a possible

OK, now I enter the picture with concerns that my wife
is going to get into some kind of scam, even though I
completely trusted our friend Charles I was still very

So, I started doing all kinds of research to debunk the

What I discovered was eye opening and life changing.

So here is what we've been up to.

We started by drinking alkaline water and then sharing
it with friends.

Then we started to educate people about some very
simple concepts about health and the importance of
proper hydration, pH balance, and redox.

The results have been unbelievable.

What we have learned is that lifestyle related diseases
such as diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, heart
disease, and various types of cancers are directly linked
to your diet.

If you eat a proper diet and drink alkaline water it will
prevent you from being constipated and developing

If you or someone you know is suffering from a
life-style related disease please let them know about
this opportunity to get well.

So, if your interested in learning more about this you
can watch a short video and sign up for an ebook at
our website

As I mentioned I have done a tremendous amount of
research and have now posted just under 100 blog
articles on related subjects such as:

• pH Miracle and Weight Loss
• pH Miracle and Diabetes
• The Facts About Drinking Bottled Water
• Pharmaceuticals Found In Our Tap Water
• Water The Chemistry Of Life

View More Blogs: Click here

Watch YouTube Videos here: Click here

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