Wednesday, January 14, 2009
The Truth About Bottled Water
Check out video:
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Several researchers have noted that the contemporary Western diet has increased in net acid load relative to diets of the ancestral pre-agricultural Homo sapiens. 1-3 Quite possibly, this shift occurred because of the agri-cultural revolution and the ubiquity of processedgrains and shelf-stable food products devoid of essential nutri-tional components. In addition to this underlying foundational change in diet, there is the overlay of various nutritional fads that have risen and fallen over the past few decades. Most recently, the latest diet trend has been an interest in high-protein foods accompanied by a compensatory decrease in the phytochemical load from fresh fruits and vegetables. Indeed, high-protein diets increase net dietary acid load and acidify the urine pH. 2-5 Conversely, diets high in fruits and vegetables have been pro-posed to be associated with a greater degree of alkalinity. 4,6 Remer and Manz calculated the potential renal acid loads of cer-tain food groups and reported that alkaline-forming foods were primarily vegetable and fruits, whereas acid-forming foods were derived from cheese, meat, fish, and grain products (read full article)
Get your FREE ebook filled with 15 pages of fascinating information concerning the incredible health benefits of alkalizing your body and drinking alkaline water. Click Here
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Monday, January 12, 2009
Fighting Back: How to Tell a Cold Where to Go
Unlike its cousin, the flu, there is no immunization against the common cold: colds, it turns out, happen. You can work on keeping your immune system in top shape with an alkaline diet, which will help you be less affected. Still, getting a cold doesn’t mean you have to sit in bed for a week, feeling miserable and longing for crazy things, like to be back at work. Colds can be somewhat maintained by heeding the following tips.
Don’t be a Snot:
Ah, the common cold: the one time a year when our entire bodies feel packed with mucus. It kind of comes with the territory: colds attack our noses and our throats. When this happens, it might seem easy to simply sniff or swallow the mucus back into our system. It might seem easy, but it’ll end up hard in the long run. Instead of simply circulating the mucusy surprise, blow your nose or spit. Do it often and do it until your cold is completely gone.
Take it Easy:
It kind of goes without saying, but when you’re under the weather you should also be under the covers, resting as much as you can. Fighting a cold wears on your body: it takes energy and resources. One of the only ways to make up for this depletion is simply to rest. If you find it hard to actually sleep - as colds can make us feel too lousy to snooze soundly - then just lie down. Don’t work out or engage in any other arduous activity until you feel like you’re back to normal.
Use a lift:
Sleeping with a cold is a pain in the head. Our nose is clogged, our throat is sore, and we feel like we can hardly breathe. But, giving your head an extra lift might help. Placing one or two extra pillows under your head can help clear your sinuses. This might seem awkward, as if you are sleeping while sitting up, but you’ll thank yourself in the morning.
Use OTC Medicines:
Unfortunately, there is no magic pill that you can swallow to make your cold just disappear. Colds are smarter than that. However, there are pills you can take to help mask your symptoms and allow you to function or rest more easily. Over the counter medicines can often help clear up your nasal passages and calm aching muscles. Still, it’s important not to take too many medications. Doing so can make you immune to their effectiveness or leave you with an entirely different kind of sickness.
Drink water:
One of the most important things you can do when you have a cold is keep yourself hydrated. You may feel a need to drink tea, juice, or soda, but these will only leave you - and your body - thirsty for more. Drinking water, on the other hand, not only leaves you hydrated but it also helps flush out toxins from your system. Water will also give you an alkaline body, which gives you a better immune system, if you drink IonWays alklaine water. If you drink a ton of water, you just might find that your cold is escorted out before it was ready to leave.
Get FREE ebook filled with 15 pages of fascinating information concerning the incredible health benefits of alkalizing your body and drinking alkaline water.
Get Safe, Better-Tasting, Healthier Water… Instantly!
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Bottled Water Quality Investigation: 10 Major Brands, 38 Pollutants
Bottled water contains disinfection byproducts, fertilizer residue, and pain medication
October 2008
Authors: Olga Naidenko, PhD, Senior Scientist; Nneka Leiba, MPH, Researcher; Renee Sharp, MS, Senior Scientist; Jane Houlihan, MSCE, Vice President for ResearchThe bottled water industry promotes an image of purity, but comprehensive testing by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) reveals a surprising array of chemical contaminants in every bottled water brand analyzed, including toxic byproducts of chlorination in Walmart’s Sam’s Choice and Giant Supermarket's Acadia brands, at levels no different than routinely found in tap water. Several Sam's Choice samples purchased in California exceeded legal limits for bottled water contaminants in that state. Cancer-causing contaminants in bottled water purchased in 5 states (North Carolina, California, Virginia, Delaware and Maryland) and the District of Columbia substantially exceeded the voluntary standards established by the bottled water industry.
Unlike tap water, where consumers are provided with test results every year, the bottled water industry does not disclose the results of any contaminant testing that it conducts. Instead, the industry hides behind the claim that bottled water is held to the same safety standards as tap water. But with promotional campaigns saturated with images of mountain springs, and prices 1,900 times the price of tap water, consumers are clearly led to believe that they are buying a product that has been purified to a level beyond the water that comes out of the garden hose.
To the contrary, our tests strongly indicate that the purity of bottled water cannot be trusted. Given the industry's refusal to make available data to support their claims of superiority, consumer confidence in the purity of bottled water is simply not justified.
Laboratory tests conducted for EWG at one of the country’s leading water quality laboratories found that 10 popular brands of bottled water, purchased from grocery stores and other retailers in 9 states and the District of Columbia, contained 38 chemical pollutants altogether, with an average of 8 contaminants in each brand. More than one-third of the chemicals found are not regulated in bottled water. In the Sam's Choice and Acadia brands levels of some chemicals exceeded legal limits in California as well as industry-sponsored voluntary safety standards. Four brands were also contaminated with bacteria.
Walmart and Giant Brands No Different than Tap Water
Two of 10 brands tested, Walmart's and Giant's store brands, bore the chemical signature of standard municipal water treatment — a cocktail of chlorine disinfection byproducts, and for Giant water, even fluoride. In other words, this bottled water was chemically indistinguishable from tap water. The only striking difference: the price tag.
In both brands levels of disinfection byproducts exceeded safety standards established by the state of California and the bottled water industry: Read more
Get FREE ebook filled with 15 pages of fascinating information concerning the incredible health benefits of alkalizing your body and drinking alkaline water.
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IonWays 2009 Launch Event with Dr. Ben Johnson -
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IonWays Evening Presentation with Special Guest Speaker Dr. Ben Johnson, MD.
Also Speaking: IonWays President, Jay Hare, IonWays National Executive, Mike Hanley and IonWays Executive VP, Kirk Phinney.
This is the ideal exposure event for all of your new prospects and a great follow-up event for all your team mates as well!
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Sunday, January 11, 2009
pH Levels Test for Health

This will give an indication of your current health state.
Screen colors vary.
The 6 pH should be a yellow and the 8 pH a pure blue.
Disclaimer: These pH test results are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advise or treatment.
It is important to test frequently as food, stress, activity and release of toxins etc. can affect a reading. By testing often you can find out your typical pH reading at that time of day.
Ideally, you are looking at building up your alkaline reserves/ buffers so that you show an alkaline reading for both your urine and saliva pH.
pH is typically higher after eating good food and lower first thing in the morning. To test urine it may be easier to find a small receptical and test first thing in the morning, afternoon and evening. A reasonable pH is between 6.8 pH and 7.4+ pH. As you begin to adopt an alkaline life style you should begin to see changes, but be patient and remember that each .1 pH is a significant difference.
When testing your saliva swallow a couple of times first. It may be easier to use a teaspoon in which to test.
You may notice that your saliva is acid and your urine alkaline or visa-versa. Initially this is common and in time if the right lifestyle is adapted this difference will lessen.
Check Your Results (after getting your average)
1. If your pH is 7 pH to 7.5, then your body fluids are in the healthy range
meaning that, for the moment at least, you have good alkaline buffers in reserve etc.
2. If your pH is between 6.0 and 6.5 you are becoming acidic and therefore developing one or more of the 150 degenerative diseases.
3. If your pH test is below 6.0, then you are highly acidic, very mineral deficient, and have contracted at least one degenerative disease.
Now That You Know
the State of Your Health...
Find Out How To 'Bulletproof' Your Body From Disease and create a good pH balance.
For some time now we have been hampered by a paucity of information about the effects of Ionized water on the people who use it most: the Japanese. No longer. Her are some recent, amazing reports from Japanese doctors who have used Ionized water and pH test results for years.
Prof. Kuninaka Hironage, Head of Kuninaka Hospital
"For over 10 years of my experience, my concept toward minerals, especially pertaining to ionic calcium in high blood pressure and other diseases is most significant.
In accordance to the theory of medical Professor Gato of Kyushu University on Vitamin K (because vitamin K enables the blood calcium to increase ), or the consumption of more antioxidant water, the effectiveness of the increase in the calcium in high blood pressure is most significant. Too many fats in the diets, which lead to the deposition of cholesterol on the blood vessels, which in turn constrict the blood flow, cause most illnesses such as high blood pressure.
By drinking antioxidant water for a period of 2 to 3 months, the blood pressure should slowly drop, because the antioxidant water is a good solvent, which dissolves the cholesterol in the blood vessels."
Prof. Watanabe Ifao, Watanabe Hospital
"Antioxidant water improves body constituents and ensures effective healing to many illnesses. The uses of antioxidant water in gynecological patients have proved to be very effective. The main reason for its effectiveness is that this water can neutralize toxins.
When given antioxidant water to pre-eclamptic toxemia cases, the results are very significant. During my long years of servicing the pre-eclamptic toxemia cases, I found that the women with pre-eclamptic toxemia who consumed antioxidant water tend to deliver healthier babies with stronger muscles. A survey report carried out on babies in this group has intelligence above average."
Prof. Kuwata Keijiroo, Doctor of Medicine
"In my opinion, the wonder of antioxidant water is the ability neutralizes toxins, but it is not a medicine. The difference is that the medicine can only apply to each and individual case, whereas the antioxidant water can be consumed generally and its neutralizing power is something which is very much unexpected. Now, in brief, let me introduce to you a heart disease case and how it was cured.
The patient was a 35 years old male suffering from vascular heart disease. For 5 years, his sickness deteriorated. He was in the Setagays Government Hospital for treatment. During those 5 years, he had been in and out of the hospital 5 to 6 times. He had undergone high tech examinations such as angiogram by injecting VINYL via the vein into the heart. He consulted and sought treatment from many good doctors where later he underwent a major surgical operation. Upon his discharge from the hospital, he quit his job to convalesce. However, each time when his illness relapsed, the attack seemed to be even more severe. Last year, in August, his relatives were in despair and expected he would not live much longer. It so happened at that time that the victim's relative came across antioxidant water processor. His illness responded well and he is now on the road to recovery."
(In the United States, cardiovascular diseases account for more than one-half of the approximate 2 million deaths occurring each year. It is estimated that optimal conditioning of drinking water could reduce this cardiovascular disease mortality rate by as much as 15 percent in the United States)
From: Report of the Safe Drinking Water Committee of the National Academy of Sciences, 1977
Prof. Tamura Tatsuji, Keifuku Rehabilitation Center
The statements enclosed herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your family doctor.
Get FREE ebook filled with 15 pages of fascinating information concerning the incredible health benefits of alkalizing your body and drinking alkaline water.
Get Safe, Better-Tasting, Healthier Water… Instantly!
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Friday, January 9, 2009
IonWays Water Ionizer The Basics
Get FREE ebook filled with 15 pages of fascinating information concerning the incredible health benefits of alkalizing your body and drinking alkaline water.
Get Safe, Better-Tasting, Healthier Water… Instantly!
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Enagic Jupiter Science KYK Tyent Life Ionizer
Who has the best water ionizer?
PLEASE DO NOT buy a water ionizer on sight or straight after talking to a sales person. A water ionizer purchase requires consideration like any other purchase; if you are being pushed for a quick decision then you should grab your wallet and run for the door.
- Kangen says they have the best ionizer.
- Jupiter says theirs is the best
- Tyent says they have the best ionizer.
- KYK says theirs is the best

Rid Your Body Of Built Up Organic Waste
Get FREE ebook filled with 15 pages of fascinating information concerning the incredible health benefits of alkalizing your body and drinking alkaline water.
Get Safe, Better-Tasting, Healthier Water… Instantly!
Call today! 760-580-7230
Alkaline Water Verses Reverse Osmosis or Distillation
While RO and distilled waters are strongly oxidizing, alkaline ionized water is a proven powerful antioxidant, equivalent to fresh squeezed orange juice.
Having been completely demineralized, RO and distilled water are – understandably -- flat tasting. The tastiness of water from Jupiter ionizers is one of its most immediate qualities: it brings delighted responses from everyone! Along with this go superior hydrating qualities.
Finally, let’s compare the ongoing costs: In-home RO water is approximately 20% more expensive than ionized water. In-home distillation is 700 – 1000% more expensive than ionized water.
Drinking Distilled Water May Be Hazardous To Your Health
Would you like to learn more?
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